Corby Glen

The Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan

The Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan – Made 29 February 2024

On the 29 February 2024 South Kesteven District Council formally adopted the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan.  This follows the positive outcome of the referendum held on 18 January 2024, where 92.5% of those who voted were in favour of the plan.  The formal decision statement as required under Neighbourhood Planning Regulations is included in the key documents set out below:

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan- Decision Statement

The adopted version of the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan can be found below.

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Made Version

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan - Archive

Regulation 18 - The Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum 18 January 2024

SKDC has now considered the recommendations within the Final Independent Examination Report and have concluded that the modifications to the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan should be approved, and the Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to referendum within the specified area (in this case Corby Glen Parish).

A decision statement has been prepared under Regulation 18(2) of the Neighbourhood Planning General Regulations 2012 (as amended) and sets out the Council's response to each of the recommendations in the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Independent Examiners Report, which was submitted to the Council on the 16 October 2023.

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan - Decision Notice on Examination and Referendum.
The referendum on the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan will take place on the 18 January 2024. Information relating to the referendum, including the 'referendum version' of the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan can be found below; Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Information Statement

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Information Booklet

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version

Regulation 17 - The Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan – Examination Report - 16 October 2023 

After consideration of the clarification note responses, the Independent Examiner  has now completed the Examination of the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan and subsequently provided the Final Examination Report to SKDC. The Examination report can be viewed below; 

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan - Examination Report

SKDC will now be considering the recommendations within the Final Examination Report and will then make a decision as to whether the recommended modifications should be approved, and if so, whether the Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to referendum within the specified area (in this case Corby Glen Parish.) 

Regulation 17 - Clarification note on the  Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan - 10 July 2023

The appointed Independent Examiner has sent a 'clarification note' to the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan steering group ( on behalf of Corby Glen Parish Council) which proposed a number of questions in regard to the Neighbourhood Plan and subsequent representations made, this note and the response from the Neighbourhood Plan steering group can be viewed below; 

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Clarification Note

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Clarification Note -Neighbourhood Group Response

Regulation 17 - The Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Examination
19 June 2023

South Kesteven District Council has now submitted the Claypole Neighbourhood Plan for independent examination. The consultation has now closed, and the Plan is being examined by Inspector Andrew Ashcroft. Formal examination of the Plan began on the 19 June 2023. The examiner has requested that representations submitted to the consultation are published on our website. These can be seen below; 

Response 1 - NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board

Response 2 - National Highways 

Response 3 - Historic England 

Response 4 - Canal and River Trust

Response 5 - Ron Dawson Memorial Trust 

Response 6 -Environment Agency 

Response 7 - David Fowler 

Response 8 - National Gas

Response 9 - National Grid

Response 10 - Natural England 

Response 11 - Anglian Water 

Response 12 - South Kesteven District Council

The examiner will take these responses into consideration and produce a report setting out their findings and recommendations based on the initial assessment of the Neighbourhood Plan, in line with legal and legislative requirements. The report will either recommend that the Neighbourhood Plan is submitted to a referendum, the Neighbourhood Plan is modified and then submitted to a referendum, or that the Plan proposal is refused.

South Kesteven District Council will then consider the report and decide whether it is satisfied with the examiner's recommendations. The Council will publicise its decision on whether or not the plan will be submitted to a referendum, with or without modifications.

If the Neighbourhood Plan is submitted to a referendum, then 28 days’ notice will be given of the referendum procedure and Neighbourhood Plan details. If the referendum results in more than half those voting (i.e. greater than 50%), voting in favour of the plan, then the District Council must adopt the Neighbourhood Plan as soon as possible.

Regulation 16 - Consultation on the proposed Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan - 26 April 2023 - 12 June 2023

The public consultation took place between the 26th April 2023 and the 12th June 2023. 

The consultation documents can be viewed electronically below.

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Version

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan - Background Documents

Regulation 16  - Submission of the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan 9 January 2023

The proposed Corby Glen Neighbourhood Development Plan has been produced by the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Group ( on behalf of Corby Glen Parish Council as the Qualfiying Body) in consultation with residents, businesses, landowners and other stakeholder organisations. The Neighbourhood Development Plan covers the Civil Parish of Corby Glen and seeks to guide future development within the identified Neighbourhood area until 2036. The Plan includes a vision, set of objectives and a series of neighbourhood wide policies which will be used in determining planning applications across the Neighbourhood Area.

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Parish Council submitted the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan and supporting evidence to South Kesteven District Council on the 9 January 2023. 

In accordance with the amended Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the District Council has made an initial assessment of the Neighbourhood Plan and the supporting documents and is satisfied that these comply with the specified criteria ( for further information please see the produced Officer Delegated Report). 

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Decision Notice

Corby Glen NP- Basic Conditions Statement

Corby Glen NP- Consultation Statement

Corby Glen NP- Map of NP Area

Corby Glen NP- SEA & HRA Screening Report

Corby Glen NP - Public Notice

Older Documentation - Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan

Designation Documents can be found below;

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Area Application 

Map of the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Area

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