Application validation
Once we receive an application, it will be checked by one of the planning team to see if we have sufficient information to validate the application. If you choose to withdraw your application before validation is acknowledged you will be eligible for a refund of your fee. Details about what to submit with your application can be found in 'Step 3' of this guide.
If any of the required information is missing, a member of the planning team will contact the applicant or agent and the application will be put on hold. The applicant or agent will be told of the timescales for submitting the required information. If the information has not been received within that period, the application and fee will be returned.
Once an application is valid, it is entered onto the planning register and the consultation period will begin. Any if you choose to withdraw your application after this point you will not be refunded the planning fee.
Consultation and Publicity
Letters are sent to neighbours to notify them of the proposals, and, where applicable, we will consult specialists to get their expert opinion. Consultation is carried out in line with the legislation and the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement.
Notices, where required, are placed in the appropriate local paper and on or near the site.
Neighbours and consultees have a minimum of 21 days to respond following the first round of consultation.
View more information about commenting on planning applications.
Consideration of an application
Once an application has been validated, it will be allocated to a case officer. The case officer will visit the site and will consider factors such as planning policy, location, neighbour impact, consultee comments and design. This process typically takes between 8 to 13 weeks depending on application type.
If during this time, if we have concerns about your application but think that they can be resolved, the case officer will contact the applicant to discuss. Please do not send in additional information or amendments unless it has been requested by the case officer or you have discussed it with them first.
Once the case officer has reviewed the application, they will write a report recommending approval or refusal of the application; the decision will be made by either delegated decision or the Planning Committee.
Decisions on planning applications can be made by:
A Planning Officer, or
By the Planning Committee made up of elected Councillors.
Approximately 95% of applications will be determined by Officers under delegated powers as set out in the Council’s Constitution.
Generally, applications are reported to Planning Committee if:
The application has been called in by the Ward Councillor(s)
It is on Council owned land
The applicant/agent is a Councillor or close family member
The applicant/agent is an Officer within the Planning Team or a Member of the Council’s Senior Management Team or
There is a legal agreement securing financial contributions
Once a decision has been reached, the decision notice will be sent to the agent or applicant.