How tenants can get involved

We want to hear from you and to involve you in our tenant engagement group.

  • Do you get the service you expect from SKDC as your landlord?
  • Do you think SKDC can and should do more?

If you have answered YES to the above, we want to hear from you and to involve you in our tenant engagement group.

"What matters is not only listening to the tenants, but also about taking action on what matters to tenants, it's about communicating in a sensible way to tenants and being honest with them if things can't be done right away." (Hearing resident voices in social housing 2018)

"Landlords should welcome the views of their tenants as a route to better management" (Charter for Social Housing Residents: Social Housing White Paper 2020)

What is tenant involvement about?

It is about you and your experiences with SKDC as your landlord. As a tenant you know what you expect and want from us, and you know what you get. We want to know if what you get is what you expect or want.

Who can be involved?

If you live in one of our council homes, whether it is sheltered or general needs, we want you to help make the service provide the best we can to meet your needs and expectations, including those who live with you as well.

What kind of things are we talking about?

We want to hear from you as a tenant on how SKDC does on things such as repairs, estate management, anti-social behaviour - or how we allocate our homes. We also want to know what you would like to look at regarding our landlord role. This can be anything from our polices, how we spend your rent money, to how we manage your tenancy.

How do I become involved?

Getting involved is simply a case of contacting us and we will then discuss how you can be involved with you in more detail. You can contact us by any of the following ways: You can contact us by the methods below or simply complete the contact form online on our website at We will contact you and discuss how you can be involved and how we can help you do this.

Contact details:

Frequently Asked Questions

I don't know anything about housing

You know more than you think. We want to know what you think about how we perform as your landlord; you don't need to have specialist knowledge about housing.

We will provide any training or information you need to be able to be involved. This can include how to take part in meetings, how to look for information, how to give information. Some may wish to be take on a formal role such as chair, we'll train you in this.

Will it cost me anything?

We pay travel expenses to help you get to meetings or activities and will help towards childcare or other care expenses. It will only cost you your time and your effort to be involved. We can also look at what other support you may need to enable you to be involved.

How will this benefit me?

Your involvement will help us provide a housing service that meets your needs and the needs of future tenants.

Involvement can also provide you with new skills that may help you in other activities or if you are working or looking for work. It also means you meet other people, not just from here but other council and housing associations. It may even mean you go to places you would not otherwise have visited.

Will it make a difference?

The simple answer is yes. If we have agreed to do something and we don't do it, then you can ask us why. If you think we should do something, then being involved means you are not just asking as one person but as one of many. We will also tell you what we have done so you know if we have done it or not.

It also benefits us by ensuring we understand how to make better use of the resources we have so we can provide a service that meets our tenants' needs and expectations.

What are the options?

We know not everyone wants to be involved in the same way. You can be involved in the way that suits you and the time and commitment you want to give. This can be traditional meetings, in person or online, or you may prefer a more informal approach. Any time you can give is valuable to us in helping us to improve the service with your help.

We have outlined some of the ways you can be involved here.

Tenant Panel

Looking at SKDC polices, strategies and performance, talking to housing staff and others, this would meet on a regular basis throughout the year. This would require the highest level of commitment and involvement.

Task and Finish Groups

Focus groups looking at a specific issue or how we do something, these are perfect for those with a specific interest or who prefer short term level of involvement.


For those who prefer doing, becoming an inspector is an opportunity to have a more direct involvement such as looking at void properties before being let or estate inspections.

Neighbourhood Action Groups

Local issues are also important, and these groups focus on what is happening where you live, focusing on local communities working in partnership with others to resolve these.


Forums are informal groups that can represent tenants on a specific issue such as sheltered housing, or equality issues..

Reader Panel

Help us to ensure that letters, leaflets, newsletters and other information we send to our tenants are easy to read and relevant to tenants, ideal for those who want to be involved from home.

Consultation Panel

Ideal for those who want to give feedback without going to meetings. We will send information and short questionnaires for you to look at and give us your views on.

Armchair Involvement

Simply giving us feedback as and when you want to, by dropping us an email, posting a letter or just ringing up is just as valuable.

Community Events

Another way of being involved is by attending a community event we may hold in your area. This could be an area clean-up, a community fun day or a 'come and meet us' event. We will let you know when we do these.

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