Our action as a Council

Information on last year's progress, our carbon reduction targets and our action plan.

Our Carbon Reduction Targets

We plan to reduce our carbon emissions from Council operations by at least 30% by 2030. Our Climate Action Strategy includes a three-part framework for this: short term (2023-2025), medium term (2025-2030) and longer term (2030 and further).

Each year South Kesteven District Council publishes a dashboard showing our carbon emissions for that 12 month period, which includes the use of gas and electricity, emissions from the vehicle fleet and operation of our Leisure Centres.

The 2022/23 financial year saw a decrease in carbon emissions of 23.9%, or an overall reduction of 1817 tonnes of carbon compared to our baseline year of 2018/19. A significant contributor to this sharp reduction is due to reduced gas, electric and fuel oil consumption for the leisure centres through the return of the Deepings leisure centre to Lincolnshire County Council, as well as slightly reduced consumption at the Stamford, Bourne and Grantham facilities. This contributed towards a reduction in carbon emissions from the leisure centres alone of over 41%.

Carbon emissions associated with electricity use in Council buildings also dropped significantly, due to a reduction in electricity used during the year as well as the ongoing national decarbonisation of the grid. A reduction is also reported for gas used in Council buildings due to decreased overall consumption. The relocation of the Council main offices at the beginning of 2023 to a significantly smaller and electrically heated facility have contributed to a slight reduction in both gas and electricity consumption.

The carbon emissions from the operation of the Council's vehicle fleet remains stubbornly high, demonstrating little change since 2018/19. Reporting includes a breakdown of Council department the vehicle is used within, with waste management and street cleansing responsible for the majority of fuel consumption. Business travel associated with staff and councillor travel in own vehicles has seen a reduction on the previous year

While some important reductions of carbon emissions have been seen in select categories, the Council should continue to look for opportunities in the short and longer terms to ensure a downward trajectory towards our declared carbon reduction target.


Our Progress Last Year

Over 150 Council owned properties have received upgrades to low-carbon heating systems which will make homes warmer and reduce energy costs for tenants.

Fifty new trees were planted within Council managed open spaces in Grantham, Stamford, Bourne and Market Deeping.

Major ecological improvements were implemented for 14 areas of North and South Kesteven in a major partnership project - as well as delivering and improving habitats in or near the river, the project connected communities and provided health benefits for residents.


Steps taken to reduce our environmental impact

Biodiversity and Rewilding

New rewilding areas are being identified across South Kesteven to enable pockets of land to go back to nature.

Trials at Tattershall Drive, Market Deeping, Rutland Heights in Stamford, and at Queen Elizabeth Park in Grantham have shown the way to restore, protect and increase local biodiversity.

New locations will now be identified with guidance from SKDC ward members, parish councils, and the Council's Sustainability and Climate Change team and its grounds maintenance staff.

More information can be found here

Contract for Green Electricity

As part of our ongoing commitment to reduce our carbon emissions in line with Net Zero targets, the Council has signed onto a contract for green electricity. This means that the energy the council receives is generated by either wind, wave or solar generation sources.

These renewable forms of energy generation lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions than non-renewable fuel sources like natural gas. So, we can guarantee a smaller carbon footprint and a positive impact on the natural environment.

Energy Efficiency Improvements at Grantham Meres Leisure Centre

South Kesteven District Council has recently secured government funding to install an energy-efficient, low-carbon heating system in the Grantham Meres Leisure Centre. As the largest leisure Centre in the district, the Meres has faced increasing financial pressure in recent years due to soaring energy costs.

The £3,587,500 fund, granted by The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero as part of the government's Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, will support the installation of an Air Source Heat Pump. In addition to £492,500 from the council's own budget, the planned energy improvements are set to replace the current inefficient gas boilers.

This move will support South Kesteven District Council's strategic ambition to reduce its carbon footprint by at least 30% by 2030, and to become net-zero carbon as soon as viable before 2050. A carbon reduction of 550 tonnes will be expected once works are complete. 

A separate grant of £445,725 from the government's Swimming Pool Support Fund will fund the installation of solar panels to support the new heating system and help maintain the ongoing sustainability of the Meres.

Our Trees and Woodland Strategy

South Kesteven District Council's Trees and Woodlands Strategy will inform how the Council can protect and enhance the district’s tree population, with specific reference to tree preservation orders, development control and tree canopy cover increase through public and partnership engagement. In doing so, the Strategy will play a key role in the Council’s ambitions to increase biodiversity.

The Strategy was developed with the support of Treeconomics, who have worked with other local authorities, in recognition of the pivotal role trees and woodland play in cutting carbon emissions.

Lincolnshire has some of the lowest levels of tree cover in England, although this is expected given the agricultural land use in the County. The Strategy represents a significant opportunity to increase tree cover and help tackle the effects of climate change. 

The public consultation on the Strategy closed in February 2024, with approximately 900 responses. 99% of these respondents agreed that trees and woodlands were valuable assets, and 96% agreed that planting, maintaining and protecting trees was a worthwhile investment. This demonstrated a clear desire from residents for the Council to develop a strategic approach to the management of its tree assets.

The Council will appoint a dedicated Tree Officer whose role will involve securing funding opportunities and engaging with local communities.

More information can be found here.

Funding to bring energy-efficiency upgrades to swimming pools

South Kesteven District Council, through its leisure company LeisureSK Ltd, is responsible for three leisure centres - in Grantham, Stamford and Bourne. The swimming pools at each are set to benefit from energy-saving measures following a boost in funding.

Following a successful bid to Sport England's Swimming Pool Support Fund – Phase II (Capital) award, Grantham Meres will receive £399,000 for solar panels with a further £46,725 for pool covers to keep the heat in and save energy on warming the water.

The investment helps meet a key priority of the South Kesteven Corporate Plan (2020-23), of building Healthy and Strong Communities, whereby the Council is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of our residents by providing high quality leisure provision.

The Swimming Pool Support Fund was established by central Government in recognition of the significant challenges local authorities are facing nationally in continuing to operate public swimming facilities, especially in relation to the higher cost of utilities and pool chemicals. However, for those authorities Sport England chose to support, only one centre per local authority can benefit from the funding. To supplement this investment, SKDC will install pool covers at Bourne Leisure Centre and Stamford Leisure pool, funded from the Council's Climate Reserve.

SKDC received £344,659 from the Swimming Pool Support Fund Phase One back in November, the funding being utilised to offset the increased costs of utilities and pool chemicals for Grantham Meres Leisure Centre and Stamford Leisure Pool in financial year 2023/2024.

Published Reports

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