The Electoral Register is a list of everyone who is registered to vote. You can only vote at elections if your name appears in the Electoral Register. There is no automatic registration of electors from other records, such as council tax.
We publish the register every year on 1 December. You can apply to be added or deleted at any time of the year as we make monthly changes to the Register of Electors. Changes take effect on the first day of every month between December and September. You will need to ensure your application is with us by the monthly deadline.
Details of who uses the electoral register can be found here: Who uses the electoral register?
Keeping the register up to date
Electoral Registration Officers (EROs) are required to keep the register of eligible voters up to date. From July each year, we contact every household to find out if the details on the electoral register are correct. This is called the annual canvass.
Your household may be contacted in different ways, such as by:
- post
- phone
- knocking on your door
If you need to update your details on the electoral register, it's important that you respond as soon as you can. This means reminders don't have to be sent, and someone does not need to visit you to get this information.
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