Household Battery Recycling

Batteries should never be placed inside household waste and recycling bins. They can cause fires in our collection vehicles.

How to dispose of household batteries safely

You can put some types of used household batteries out for collection on the same day as any of your SKDC wheelie bins. They must not go inside the bins.

  1. Place batteries in a separate plastic bag, such as a sandwich bag. Fasten the plastic bag(s) to the handle of your wheelie bin on collection day (not inside the bin). You can attach the batteries to any colour bin on your collection day.
  2. Our Collection Team will put the batteries into a separate compartment in the collection vehicle and take them away for recycling

If you live in a flat using communal bins, or have SKDC sack collections, please continue to take your batteries to supermarkets, shops or the Household Recycling Centre.

Batteries you can put into plastic bags for kerbside collection

  • All everyday household batteries
  • Button batteries - e.g. from watches and hearing aids
  • AA Batteries
  • AAA Batteries
  • C Batteries
  • D Batteries
  • 9V Batteries
  • 6LR61 Batteries
  • N LR1 Batteries
  • AAAA Batteries

Batteries you must take to the Household Recycling Centre

  • Car batteries
  • Laptop battery packs
  • Mobile phone batteries
  • Power tool batteries
  • Disposable Vapes
  • E-cigarettes
  • Lighters
  • Remote control units

How batteries can catch fire during waste collection

When batteries are thrown away with other household waste and recycling, they are likely to be crushed or punctured during waste collection and processing.

Some battery types, particularly rechargeable, can ignite or even explode when they become damaged. Once this happens, the batteries can quickly set fire to other materials present in the waste and recycling, such as paper. This leads to serious incidents that put lives at risk.

Responses to frequently asked questions.


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