Cut out the hassle, time and grime by signing up to SKDC’s garden waste recycling scheme

South Kesteven District Council's popular opt-in garden waste recycling scheme will soon be open for renewals, with the service provided to householders for just under £2.30 per bin collection.

April marks the start of the 14th season that SKDC has offered a green waste service to residents across the district, with more than 32,000 signing up last year.

The cost for one garden bin for the year ahead is £53. 

Cabinet Member for Environment and Waste, Cllr Rhys Baker, said: "While this increase amounts to £2 per year, it represents a modest increase for a popular service at a time when our own costs, such as fuel and spare parts, continue to rise.

"The increase to householders for this optional service, to conveniently remove garden waste at people's homes, will track just below inflation costing just 9p extra per collection for 2025-26.

"It's good value and the way we operate the scheme means that the costs don't fall to anyone who doesn't use it.

"We would always advocate home composting in the first instance, as the most environmentally friendly and natural way to dispose of garden waste and carry lots of information to help householders with this on our website.

“However, we also realise that many people do not have the space for this, which is why we offer this opt-in service at a reasonable price for those who cannot home compost or take their garden clippings to the nearest Household Waste Recycling Centre."

More details on home composting can be found online at

All green waste collected across South Kesteven is taken to a composting facility to be turned into compost suitable for agriculture.

Customers pay just one annual fee and there is no limit to the number of garden waste bins they can buy.

Existing customers are being invited to re-join for 2025-6 from February 10th – when membership will also be open to new customers via  

The £53 fee covers a year of emptying one bin - weekly in the summer months and fortnightly in December, January and February - with £44 for each additional bin. New customers pay £95 for the service in the first year, which includes £28 for the bin and £14 for delivery.

The Council's Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee proposed to raise the charges by £2 for 2025/26 in November. The final decision was recommended by Cabinet and voted on at Full Council.

Garden Waste Recycling in South Kesteven

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