Climate change roadmap for South Kesteven

A revised Climate Action Plan for South Kesteven, setting out the District’s way forward on reducing carbon emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change, could be agreed next week.

It guides South Kesteven District Council in specific areas to:

  • continue to reduce carbon emissions from council activities
  • work in partnership with district-wide stakeholders to achieve net zero carbon
  • adapt to the impacts of climate change at a local level

Priority areas include the natural and built environments; transport; growing the green economy; power; communities; decision-making; and required resources.

The document (attached) is being presented to Cabinet for approval and adoption on Tuesday (Nov 7th).

As well as outlining positive action that SKDC can take itself, it also highlights how partners and outside organisations can kick-start wider change across the district.

A report to Cabinet by Sustainability and Climate Change Officer Serena Brown said: “There is a clear role for local government to shape, drive, influence and deliver local action on climate change.

“South Kesteven District Council made a formal declaration of climate emergency on 26 September 2019 with cross party support.

“Alongside this, the Council confirmed the political ambition to reduce the organisation’s carbon footprint by at least 30% by 2030, and to endeavour to become net-zero as soon as viable before 2050.”

She said that feedback from the consultation exercise was seen as extremely constructive with strong support for the proposed themes.

As a result of the feedback received through the consultation exercise, a revised version of the Climate Action Strategy was prepared, which can be viewed online at Climate Action Strategy for South Kesteven

The Council’s own Carbon Management Plan covers energy used in buildings owned and occupied by SKDC, Council vehicles, and other aspects such as staff and councillor business travel. Social housing refurbishments and improvements will also reduce energy use and move towards cleaner energy sources.

However, with less than one per cent of the district’s total emissions down to Council operations, the plan includes ways to indirectly influence third-party activity across the district, supporting residents, businesses and other partners, meeting key stakeholders and lobbying for further support.

SKDC’s Climate Action Plan was developed throughout 2023 following public consultation and with support from parish councils, neighbouring local authorities and wider partners.

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