You may get a discount if no-one lives in the property.
​Unoccupied and unfurnished dwellings
A discount of 100% will be awarded for one month in respect of an unoccupied and unfurnished dwelling. A discount of 25% will follow for five months where the dwelling remains unoccupied and unfurnished with a 100% charge thereafter.
Long Term Empty Properties
If the dwelling remains unoccupied and unfurnished for more than two years then a charge of 200% will be payable. From 01 April 2020, if the dwelling has been empty for longer than 5 years, then a charge of 300% of the council tax will be payable. From 01 April 2021, if the dwelling has been empty for longer than 10 years, then a charge of 400% of the council tax will be payable.
Please note that the above discounts are applied to the property regardless of who is liable for council tax - the discounts do not restart when the liable person changes.
Unoccupied and furnished dwellings
A discount in respect of an unoccupied and furnished dwelling which is no one's sole or main residence is 10%.
Dwellings in need of structural repair
An unoccupied dwelling which requires major structural alterations or repairs may be awarded a discount of 25% after we have assessed eligibility. This discount will end when alterations or repairs have been completed, the property becomes occupied or upon expiry of twelve months, whichever is the sooner.
For further information on discounts available and how to apply, please contact us