Arts and Culture Consultation – June 2024

To help shape a bid for funding from the Arts Council for two areas in South Kesteven, the Council is asking arts practitioners and people from the Bourne and Deepings areas for their views.

Residents of Bourne and the Deepings

Understanding what arts activities and events the people of Bourne and the Deepings like to take part in or attend in their spare time – and what activities they might be interested in, if they were available locally, will help SKDC prepare a case for funding that includes and reflects the views and needs of everyone who lives in these areas.

If you live in either Bourne or the Deepings and would like to take part in this consultation, please click here.

Arts Practitioners

The Council is also keen to hear from practitioners providing arts and cultural activities and events locally what might encourage them to consider either starting to provide these activities in the Bourne and/or Deepings area(s) or – if they are already active in these areas- what would encourage them to increase the number of activities already provided.

If you are an arts practitioner and would like to take part in this consultation, please click here.

Thank you.



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